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Onboarding from home, like a pro!

Let’s play a game of ‘what’s more nerve-wracking’, shall we?

  • Meeting your new coworkers vs. meeting your new coworkers via video chat
  • Learning your company’s culture vs. trying to gauge the culture in conference calls
  • Being trusted with company equipment vs. receiving a shipment of your new equipment
  • Learning all of the things in your first week and speaking up when you have questions vs. learning all of the things in your first week and video calling your boss when you have questions

I think the winner is clear.

We’ve all been in that position — we’ve all been the new kid on the block and it’s exhausting having new info fly at you in every direction at 100 MPH. Now, could you imagine having to do all of that through a screen?!

With the onset of COVID-19 and the practice of social distancing, companies have shifted to remote work, whether they were fully-prepared to do so, or not. While this taste of a commute-less life has been welcomed by few and loathed by most (which, hey, if you’re struggling, read our article about how to up your production efforts!), most people haven’t even thought to count their lucky stars that they’re settled into their role at their company and not navigating the treacherous waters of starting a new job remotely.

Now, this isn’t to say that we’re unaware of the tight grip this virus has on our economy, and this isn’t us turning a blind eye to the millions that have been laid off this past month. It is, rather, us acknowledging that, while many are being let-go or furloughed from their jobs, loads more are starting new jobs because, yes, there are companies still hiring (email info@aquantusllc.com if you’d like to receive a copy of our jobs listing).

So, if you’re one of the ones that is starting a new job during this pandemic, let us be your resource to help you maneuver through the unfamiliarity of remote work, new job edition!


Establish who you will be reporting to and any direct reports you will have

You’ve probably already received this information, but it never hurts to double check! Since this will be your closest-knit group in the company, it’s best to familiarize yourself with them ASAP. In fact, it could even be beneficial to do a little sleuthing and see if there are any personal connections you can make with them since you’ll be lacking human-to-human contact.

Try to schedule a meeting with your ‘inner’ work ‘circle’ before your first day or sometime within the first week

This ties directly into the first bullet point. If possible, see if you are able to schedule a meet-and-greet meeting with your ‘inner circle’ either before your start date or very soon after; this will help you get acquainted with everybody!

Create a folder in your inbox for all onboarding documents

It is, admittedly, much harder to stay organized when you don’t have a proper desk, drawers, a file cabinet, etc. Since your boss will most likely be sending all of your documents via email, keep them all filed together in an onboarding folder in your inbox.

Verify that your internet is able to withstand high-broadband tasks

This is probably something you haven’t thought about if you haven’t worked remotely before, but believe us, you’ll be glad you checked after you get going. Double check with your provider that your network is able to handle high-broadband tasks.

Set up your work station

Just as you would do in office, set up a station equipped with a planner, pens, notepads, etc. The more you can recreate a professional working environment, the better your chances for succeeding!

Make a checklist with specific goals and expectations

Of course, your first week will be mostly filled with learning the ropes, but it’s always a good idea to write down your goals and expectations since you won’t have anybody around to check on you. This will help you stay on track and help keep your priorities in-line.

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