Looking for your next role?

Looking for your next superstar hire?

What are the benefits of partnering with a recruiter?

Let’s cut to the chase. Literally. Let’s skip the ATS. Let’s skip the ‘submit your resume then fill out the form’ routine. Let’s skip the weeks of wishing, waiting, hoping for a callback. Let’s cut to the chase, together.

You are more than just a number (or a piece of paper) and you deserve to be treated as such. As we mentioned in our previous post, job hunting is daunting, at best, and a total-freaking-letdown, at worst. But. It doesn’t have to be that way – cross our hearts!

We get a lot of people that don’t understand where a recruiter fits into the job search journey. And that’s okay. Think of us as the Disney Fast Pass, but without screaming children, and without an absurd overhead price.

You see, we work directly with companies. Yes, that means you can stop tracking down hiring managers, friends-of-friends, and that one LinkedIn connection that you sat next to in freshman-year statistics. WE ARE THAT 1ST DEGREE CONNECTION!

Here’s the process from start to finish – are you ready?

  1. You contact us
  2. Send us your resume
  3. Talk about opportunities that we have in our arsenal
  4. Take the ones you want and leave the ones you don’t
  5. Nail the interview
  6. Accept an offer

Yes, it’s that easy! Not convinced that you could literally be starting a new job in a month? See it for yourself here and here.


Now that you have a better idea, let’s talk details.


Your initial conversation will be painless. Not only are the coolest (all bias aside), they’re knowledgeable, and they want the best for you. This convo won’t take long – plan to carve out about 15-20 minutes for it – and it will help the recruiter get a better feel for you, your trajectory, and your requirements.

Next, you’ll send us your resume. We’ll review it and stick our letterhead on it. Don’t worry, you’ll get to see the final product before we send it off!

Now, here comes the fun! This is when we get to talk opportunities. After compiling info from our initial conversation – and reading through your resume – we’ll present you with the jobs that align with your skill-set, experience, goals, values, and priorities.

Since you’re the boss through this whole process, you tell us which opportunities you would like us to submit you to. Remember: take what you want, leave what you don’t. After filling out a quick consent form (so you know where your resume is at all times), we’ll send your resume straight to the hiring manager (!!!). Do we need to repeat that? Your resume goes straight to the hiring manager.

If you are selected for an interview, we’ll hook you up with an interview preparation package that is tailored to that specific role and company. Think: fraternity/sorority house test bank. Also, we’ll do an interview prep with you so you don’t have to practice by yourself in a mirror. After your interview, we’ll have a little chat to ensure that no surprises arose and we’ll relay any feedback that we received from the client.

Last, but CERTAINLY not least: we’ll negotiate on your behalf, should our client wish to extend an offer to you. We advocate for you to ensure that you’re getting the best benefits and salary. You are our top priority and we want you to feel secure in your decision to trust us in your job hunt.

So, as you see, it’s not all about that commission check, as portrayed in Friends with Benefits. We want the best for you and will guarantee that you are taken care of through the entire process. Are you ready to take the leap? Search our job database or submit your resume here!

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