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Which Recruiter is Right For Me? (Part 2)


If you’ve been chomping at the bits for part two of this post, welcome back! If you have no idea that there is a part one, you can catch yourself up to speed here. When we last met, we suggested – before reaching out to a recruiter – to outline your goals of working with one. By doing this, it will help you establish what you are looking to gain by working with us and it will help you outline, to us, the path you want to head down in your career. In this part of Which Recruiter is Right for Me, we’ll be sharing more insights from AquantUs’s founder and managing partner, Tiffany Hoffine, as well as some suggestions from our candidate recruiters!
Now, forgive me for assuming, but I’m sure you’ve read our article about the benefits of partnering with a recruiter, right? Or, maybe you’ve poked around our website and walked yourself through our No Surprises Process. Either way, you should know by now that partnering with a recruiter is all reward and no risk. So, without further ado, let’s jump into it!

Get Comfortable

There’s a rumor floating around – one that has probably detoured you from recruiters before – that goes like this: recruiters don’t have your best interests in mind. I’m here to tell you that that is not the case. Tiffany makes it clear that you should be able to tell if the recruiter is the appropriate fit from the very first conversation because recruiters should be asking more than telling. “They should be asking what is important to you. They should be asking great questions about your criteria for a new role and your long-term career goals.”
On the contrary, Tiffany makes sure to point out that your relationship with your recruiter is a two-way street. It is your responsibility to articulate your goals in a way that brings you the right roles. If a recruiter brings you a role that you are not interested in, take the time to tell them why because that helps us say ‘okay, now we know’.

Questions to Ask Us!

We understand that it can be difficult to brainstorm questions to ask, especially if you’ve never worked with a recruiter in the past! Below are some examples to get you started.

• Do you specialize in my area of expertise?
• What percentage of the candidates that you work with are in my expertise?
• What types of clients do you work with (e.g. what industry, size, are they public or private)?
• What happens after this initial call?
• Walk me through your process
• What do you do to maintain the confidentiality of my search?
• Is this a client you have worked with before?
• Are my expectations realistic (in regards to title/compensation)?
• What will the interview process look like in terms of the quantity and methods regarding this specific client?

Okay, I’m Convinced. Now what?

If you’re ready to give us a shot, then reach out! You can reach out to any of our recruiters via LinkedIn, or, if you’d rather get to know them and their individual personalities better, you can see them live and in-person in these videos.

If you see a job posted on our website that interests you, apply and we’ll have a recruiter who specializes in your expertise reach out to you. However, we don’t post all of the jobs that we work on, so you can also submit your resume via email at info@aquantusllc.com or via the contact page on our website.

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