Looking for your next role?

Looking for your next superstar hire?

Which Recruiter is Right For You? Part 1

We started this series, Find Your Dream Job in 2020, in January with so much enthusiasm and so little idea of the severity of the disease that lingered half a world away. We had an optimistic outlook on the future of 2020 and we were excited to take you through your job-hunt journey with a series that was designed to help empower you through challenging times and help you define your worth in exciting times.

Once we realized that there were grim months in the queue, we decided to shift our focus on putting our money where our mouth was and feed our energy to the ones who make us who we are: our clients and candidates.

With that being said, it is with great pleasure to share with all of you that we will be revamping our series with a monthly how to, of sorts, to help you navigate through the process of finding your dream job this year. First in this rendition is: How Do I Know Which Recruiter is Right for Me? / What Questions Should I Be Asking? as a continuation of What are the Benefits of Partnering with a Recruiter.

Chock-full of many years of accounting experience and extensive knowledge of the recruiting industry (17, to be exact!), AquantUs’s managing partner, Tiffany Hoffine, was our first choice when it came to answering some of the questions you may be having before, or during, your conversations with a recruiter.

Understandably, Tiffany advises that a recruiter should be your first call. However, she doesn’t just say this to push her own agenda. She points out that, aside from helping to match you with a company, a recruiter may help you learn some things about yourself and your goals that you may have not thought to advertise if you were to conduct your own search. Not only that, but think of a recruiter as your connection to the company. We work directly with the hiring manager, which means we’ve already built rapport with the decision makers. So, instead of submitting your resume to a form where it will get scraped by data analytics tools, we place your resume straight into the hands on the person that is filling the open role and we get to advocate for you!

So, let’s say you’re open to working with a recruiter, but you don’t know where to start. We know that there are a lot of options out there and it can be overwhelming to make a decision on who to entrust in your job search. Sometimes it may seem that all recruiters are the same; Tiffany is here to tell you that they are most certainly not.

“Find a recruiter who has expertise in your area of expertise,” she says. “Ours are Accounting, Audit, Analytics, Finance, and Tax and I’m not the person to call if you need a marketing job, for example. If you’re in something like marketing, sales, etc., there are other firms who specialize in those areas who will do a much better job. The key thing is: you want their expertise to overlap with yours so that they understand what you do and have a better idea of what a great opportunity in your space looks like.”

Whether you’re new here, or you’ve been following us for a while, you may be wondering what our credentials are and how we are so confident in our abilities to place you in a role where your skills and experience will align; after all, you know yourself better than anybody else… right? We’re not arguing with that, but we’re here to assure you that we’ve been doing this for a long time and our managing partners have pretty impressive connections as a result of their lengthy backgrounds in accounting and finance. After ten-years of dominating (humble brag) the Atlanta market, we have formed everlasting relationships with our clients and we have turned many of our candidates (that’s you) into clients. We partner with you throughout the entire process, meaning you’ll have your recruiter every step of the way. In the beginning, we will provide you with an interview package and conduct interview preps via Zoom or Skype to ensure that you will have all of the information you need in order to have a successful interview.

Before contacting a recruiter, consider outlining your goals of working with one and come equipped with some questions to ask! We will, of course, ask you a ton of questions, but it is always easier to get a better idea of what you’re looking for when you are able to challenge us as well. If you’re curious as to what types of questions you should be asking, keep an eye out for the second part of this article, dropping next week!


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